A fraction is a number that can represent part of a whole. The earliest fractions were reciprocals of integers: ancient symbols representing one part of two, one part of three, one part of four, and so on. A much later development were the common or "vulgar" fractions which are still used today (½, ⅝, ¾, etc.) and which consist of a numerator and a denominator.
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Word problems for fractions reducing Problems:
Word problems 1: Jack bought 6/4 liters of milk but he used only 2/4 liters of the milk. How much milk did he have left? And reducing the fractions.
Initially jack had 6/4 liter of milk
He used 2/4 liter of milk
Now we have to find the remaining amount
The remaining amount
=6/4 -2/4
= 6-2/4
By reducing the fraction get 1 is the answer.
Word problems 2: My pet is 1/4 years old and my dog is 7/4 years old find the total sums of ages And reducing the fractions
Given pet is 1/4 years old
And my dog is 7/4 years old
Now we have to find the total sums of ages
= 1/4 +7/4
= 8/4
By reducing the above fraction we get 2 is the answer.
Word problems 3: Rahul needs to drink 1/5 liters of coffee and 14/5 liters of coke every day. How much fluid do rahul have to drink? And reducing the fractions
Rahul needs to drink 1/5 liter of coffee
And 14/5 liters of coke every day
Now we have to find how much fluid do rahul have to drink?
= 1/5 +14/5
=1 +14/5
= 15/5
By reducing the above fraction we get 3 is the answer.
Word problems for fractions reducing Problems:
Word problems 4: On the eating competition my aunty ate 3/6 pizza and my uncle ate 15/6 pizza. How much pizza did they eat jointly? And reducing the fractions
Eating competition my aunty ate 3/6 pizza
And my uncle ate 15/6 pizza
How much pizza did they eat jointly?
= 3/6 +15/6
= 3+15/6
= 18/6
By reducing the above fraction we get 3 is the answer.
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Word problems 5: John bought 3/11 liters of oil but he used only 25/11 liters of the oil. How much oil did he have left? And reducing the fractions
Initially john had 3/11 liter of oil
He used 25/11 liter of oil
Now we have to find the remaining amount
The remaining amount
=3/11 -25/11
= 3-25/11
= 22/11
By reducing the fraction get 2 is the answer.