Wednesday, July 14

7 types of triangle

Hi Friends

Good Afternoon!!! How good are you in Geometry? Its good to see that we have many geometry problem solver these days online. How many tried drawing triangle.

Let us learn about 7 types of triangle.

Triangles are classified in two ways :

(i)On the basis of sides and,

(ii)On the basis of angles.

(i)According to sides

A triangle in which all the three sides are unequal in length is called a scalene triangle.

A triangle in which two of its sides are equal is called an isosceles triangle.

A triangle which has all its three sides equal in length is called an equilateral triangle.

A triangle which has all the three angles acute that is, less than 90
, is called an acute angled triangle or acute triangle

A triangle whose one angle is a right angle (that is 90) is called a right angled triangle or right triangle

In case of isosceles triangle, At least two sides congruent that is two sides are equal in measure and the unequal side of the isosceles triangle is referred to as base of the triangle. If third angle is a right angle then the triangle is said to be right isosceles triangle.

Practice makes man perfect, keep practicing to understand better.

I hope the above explanation was useful. Keep reading and leave your comments.

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