Friday, May 3

Checking Prime Factorization

Prime number is a number that is divisible by 1 and itself. Prime factorization is nothing but the factorization of a prime numbers. To find the prime factorization of a number the number it factored until all its factors are prime numbers.In this topic we are going to see problems in prime factorization and checking the factors are prime or not. Some example problems are solved below.

Prime Factorization and checking – Example problems:

Find the prime factors of 24 and check?
24 ÷ 2 = 12
12 is not a prime number, so factor again,
12 ÷ 2 = 6
6 is not a prime number, so factor again,
6 ÷ 2 = 3
3 is a prime number,
24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3
Checking whether 2,2,2,3 are the prime factors of 24
2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 24
Therefore 2, 2, 2, 3 are the prime factors of 24
Example 2:
Find the prime factorization of 124 and check ?
124 ÷ 2 = 62
62 is not a prime number, so factor again:
62  ÷ 2 = 31 
31 is a prime number.
124 = 2 x 2 x 31
2 * 2 * 31 = 124
Therefore 2, 2, 31 are the prime factors of 124. 

prime factorization tree.
                      /    \
                 2         62
                           /    \
                         2    31

Some other examples of prime factorization:

My forthcoming post is on SAS Similarity and Define Box and Whisker Plot will give you more understanding about Algebra.

Example 3:
Find the Prime factor of  81 and check?
81 ÷ 9 = 9
9 = 3 * 3
81 = 3 x 3 x 3
3*3*3 = 81
Therefore the prime factors are 3,3,3
Example 4:
Find the prime factor of 13 and check?
39 = 3 x 13
So the prime factor of 19 is 3 and 13.
3 * 13 = 39
Therefore the prime factors of 31 are 3 * 13.

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