Saturday, May 11

Prime and Rate

Prime: Definition of prime number is a number which cannot divide by any other numbers. That is ,only the number itself and 1 can divide the prime number.
        Rate: Definition of rate is the ratio between the distance and time. Definition of rate is always in the form of fraction.
Let us see the definition of prime and rate.

Having problem with The Prime Numbers keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.

Definition of prime number:

Definition of prime number:
If a number is not allowed to divide by any number then it is called as prime number. Other wise it is called as composite number.
Example: 133
This number can not be divide by any number. Only 1 and 133 can divide it. So, 133 is considered as prime number.
Find the prime number among the following numbers.
a. 155
b. 242
c. 141
d. 339
Ans :141
Example: 2
Find the prime number among the following numbers.
Ans : 223

Definition of rate:

Definition of rate:
  Formula for finding a rate is,

        Rate has a units depends on the units of distance and time. If the distance has a unit in km and the time is in hr then the rate should be written as km/hr.
Example problems for finding a rate:
Find the rate of scooter. The distance travelled by a scooter is 89 km and the time taken for that is 3 hours.
Distance = 89km
Time=3 hr
We know the rate formula is Rate=distance/time
Therefore the rate of the given scooter is `89/3` km/hr.

I am planning to write more post on sine wave graph and math 4th grade word problems. Keep checking my blog.

Find the time taken by a cycle. The distance travelled by a cycle is 24 km and the rate is `12/6`km/hr.
Distance = 24km
We know the rate formula is Rate=distance/time
Time= Distance/time
       =12 hours.
Therefore the time taken by a cycle to travel 24 km is 12 hours.

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