Sunday, May 5

Steps in Data Analysis

Analysis of a data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data analysis has been the method of multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, in different business, science, and social science domains. And now we see about the steps in data analysis. (Source -Wikipedia).

I like to share this Define Quantitative Data with you all through my article. 

Two tyoes of data analysis are shown below:

  • Qualitative Analysis types :
                         The reports are analyzed with the help of given data and that are supported by the qualitative Analysis    .
  •  Quantitative Analysis:
                      The reports are  believed in the format of calculating types are called as the  quantitative Analysis . And it functions in the order of  normal information.
Process in data analysis types:
The some of the process in data analysis types are :
  • Steps in Data cleaning:
       Data cleaning types are the is a main types for the interval of in which the data are experienced, and False  data are if important, preferable, and realistic corrected.
  • Steps in Preliminary Data analysis :
       Steps in  preliminary data analysis are,
  • Steps  in Quality of Data: Data can be used in a   set of  types,
         Like  Histogram, Standard possibility in plotting mean,Average variation,Median
  • Steps  in Quality  analysis of size in methods:
                   The assessment of homogeneity, which provide a deference of the reliability of a component tool 
  • Main steps in  data analysis:
       The main difference between of  the preliminary data analysis and the main analysis are they can get the information’s side by side.
  • Types in final data analysis :
     During the final stage of  period   , the requirements  of the  of the preliminary data analysis are predictable.

Algebra is widely used in day to day activities watch out for my forthcoming posts on Simplify Using Positive Exponents and Mixed Fraction to Decimal. I am sure they will be helpful.

Example in Data analysis steps:

Example 1:
Represent the following data  in statistical histograms given below
Marks                             No.of students
0 - 5                                        2
5 - 10                                      3
10 - 15                                    4
15 - 20                                    6
20 - 25                                    2
Step 1: To mark the class intervals along the x – axis.
              Student marks intervals can be , 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, and 20-25.
Step 2: To mark the frequencies along the y – axis.
               Frequencies for number of students are,4,2 , 4, 6 and 2.
               Therefore, the statistical histograms learning to depict the scale in the X-Y plane :
                                    x - axis 1 cm = 5 marks.
                                   y - axis 1 cm = 1 students
Step 3:. Total frequency = 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 17
           And the bar graph are drawn below:


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